Christ the King Church is an Anglican church in Kitengela Archdeaconry in Kajiado Diocese.

It is the only church in the parish, located in the Kiangombe area of Kitengela. This is one of the most densely populated low-income districts of Kitengela town.

Our Story

The church was started as an offspring of St Stephen Noonkopir church, in a rented room at Sixers area of Kitengela, in April 1999, with a congregation of less than 10 worshipers. In the year 2001 the church acquired the plot, part of which it is currently situated, and put up a mabati (Iron sheet) structure.

The congregation increased to 250 by the year 2008. Christ the King Church then became a fully-fledged parish in 2010.


In 2012, the church began construction of its current building, which was consecrated by His Lordship, Bishop Gadiel Lenini, on 9th April 2017.

Currently, the church has a congregation of approximately 600 worshippers, with a Sunday school contingent of 300, which increases to approximately 400 children during the school holidays.(teens, youth)

This strategic plan is thus set within the context of the Kajiado Diocese, Kitengela Archdeaconry, and Christ the King Parish operating environment.

This is the first formal strategic plan for Christ the King Church. It seeks to spell out the strategic direction of the Church for the period 2020 to 2025.

In doing so, the Church takes cognizance of the ever changing needs of the contemporary Christian living within the context of a highly dynamic urban environment.




To seek and bring people to Christ


To make Disciples of Christ through gospel outreach, Christian love and brotherly support


The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.

Psalm 118:14

Psalm 46:1-3

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”