Welcome to Christ The King Academy where young minds are natured and where positive timeless lessons of life are engraved in their hearts

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to be a center of academic excellence founded on strong Christian morals and values:
  • academic excellence,
  • strong Christian morals and values
Our Vision is To provide, promote and maintain high quality education that will develop Holistic individual intelectually, physically, emotionally and socially empowered to cope up with every aspect of life .
  • high quality education,
  • Holistic individual intelectually, physically, emotionally and socially
Champion School at a Glance
Current Enrollments
34 0 +
Qualified Staff
0 +
0 +
0 +
We aim at inspiring our students to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.
— Headmaster

Curriculum Overview

The school follows the Competency based Curriculum (CBC) and the out going 8-4-4 system of Education and children are prepared for the K.C.P.E.(Kenya Certificate of Primary education). The system is structured in a way that within the eight years of primary education, lower primary (class I – III) evolves in upper primary (classes IV-VIII).

Language Lessons

We ensure our pupils learn different languages to ensure whenever they are ,they make themselves understood which is the key to success.

Arts Lessons

We nature young talent for arts and drawing by giving them teaching and skills to grow their talents.

Music Lessons

We offer music lesson to our pupils


We encourage students in scientific reasoning, discoveries and inventions.

Sports Lessons

We offer Variety of sport to our learners including football, Swimming, Basketball, Volley ball , Athletics, Table tennis.

Computer classes

We offer our learners with computer basics.Our computer lab is fully equiped with adequate computers and a computer teacher.

Our Co-curricular Activities


Our students are passionate about sports and athletics and have the freedom to choose the one they like and wish to take up.

In-house Publications

We have several writers who are encouraged to come up with creations that are regularly published in our in-house magazines.

Performing Arts & Music

With professionals on board, we take pride in training our students in art forms like dance, drama, painting and more.

Wish to know more about admissions and updates? Kindly Contact us


Our school aims to prepare students to make a positive contribution to the development of the society and to acquire the values of national patriotism, self-respect, self-reliance, cooperation, adaptability, a sense of purpose and self-discipline.