CTK Youth Church

We are a group of young, lively and energetic people. We unashamed of the gospel and desire to serve as the representation of God’s love (Romance 1:16).

Karibu CTK Youth Church

Service begins at 10 am

Though we are broken and scared we yearn for God’s guidance in our lives and to be molded by Him into vessels that can be used to reach out to our generation.

About Us

We are in Christ & Unashamed

Stepping Into The New ~Pauline Munene

A call for us to take a step of faith and trust God to walk with us through the journey for He alone knows what’s best. Be blessed as you watch.

Ask Your Queries

Ask Your Queries about the youth ministry

We are glad to recievce communication from you, should you also have any suggestions or complains, feel free to share on this platform.

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the Good News of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first, and also for the Greek.

Bible Verses to Encourage You

“…Pressing on toward the goal”