Christ the King Church

Where Everybody is valued

The Rt Revd Gadiel Katanga Lenini.

Bishop's Message

Dear Christians of our great Diocese of Kajiado and all people of goodwill

My prayers for you all as I thank God for the gift that each one of you is to our church. May your faith grow stronger each new day. May the Good Lord in his immeasurable love protect us from all evil. May he keep us safe especially during these tough times when we confront the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us be extra careful to avoid contracting the disease or transmitting it to others. Our help is in the name of God, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1).

Vicar. Ven Joseph Ole Ntoika

Vicar's Message

 Let us seek to serve God in all we say and do!  We believe the Bible is the Word of the Living God and we need to live, teach and preach the Gospel in all that we say and do.  Let us keep our focus on Jesus Christ, no matter what the world or our society says.

Rev. Joyce Ngángá

Rev Joyce' (Curate) Message

Greetings in the name of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I hope you are staying safe during these turbulent days of covid-19! 
     God has been great to us and we need to stop at times and just count our blessings and see what God has done for us and with us.  Let us use our time “Focusing on Jesus Christ” and seeking to do what He has planned for us. 

Rev. Martin Muthoka

Rev Martin (Curate) Message

Here at Christ the King, Kitengela, We are fully known and loved by Jesus who gave himself so that we may be reconciled with God and be reconciled with our neighbors. As we unite ourselves in Christ, we become a people who invest in relationships, practice hospitality, serve willingly, and invite others into this community of truth and grace.

Get to know us

Christ the King Church is an Anglican church within Christ The King Parish of Kitengela Archdeaconry in Kajiado Diocese. It is the only church in the parish, located in the Kiangombe area of Kitengela. This is one of the most densely populated low-income districts of Kitengela town.

click the link below to know more about our church

First Service at 8:00am Main Service at 10:30 am Youth Service at 10:00 a.m

Ephesians 5:30

Because we are members of his body

Bible Verses to Encourage You

“…Pressing on toward the goal”